Introduction of a new product through the APQP methodology in the area of special filters


  • Luis Alberto Rodríguez Picon Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
  • Manuel Iván Rodríguez Borbón Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez
  • María Cecilia Quezada Acosta Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez
  • Roberto Romero López Universidad Autónoma Ciudad de Juárez
  • Marling Carolina Cordero Díaz Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



APQP, Producción, Producto.


The objective of this work is to develop the launch of a new type of filter, which will be part of the manufacturing of the group of medical products. The characteristics of the filters are analyzed and the type of filter to be manufactured is identified and a APQP methodology is applied to a batch of 300 pieces. The results obtained show that during the manufacturing process it was possible to carry out follow-up to the pilot tests to guarantee that the samples passed the electrical tests and they complied with the mechanical specifications that allowed generating findings in the testing process and correcting failures before of placing the final product on the market. It is concluded that the APQP method serves as a basis to ensure the quality of the product.
Keywords:APQP,Production, Product.


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How to Cite

Introduction of a new product through the APQP methodology in the area of special filters. (2018). Mundo FESC Journal, 8(15), 26-30.

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