Quality management and occupational health and safety systems in agroindustrial companies – Aguachica


  • Jacqueline Chávez Galvis Universidad Popular del Cesar Seccional Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9343-6983
  • Lauren Yinett Gómez-Quintero Centro Agroempresarial del Cesar SENA, Cesar, Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0476-545X
  • Edgar López Suarez Universidad Popular del Cesar Seccional Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia
  • Marlon Vega Gualdrón Universidad Popular del Cesar Seccional Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia




quality, management, standardization, safety at work, agro-industrial sector, integrated systems


Quality and occupational health and safety management systems are used in companies to comply with indicators, which measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the services and/or products provided by the organization, achieving continuous improvement, making it more competitive. global level. The agroindustrial sector in the municipality of Aguachica is quantified in the number of companies that exist but there is no documentation on the status of the implementation of the different management systems, therefore, it is difficult to predict the level of competition of the companies. At national and international level. The lack of knowledge about these processes can not only cause delays in the development of the industry, but also systematically affect the economic growth of the southern Cesar region. The main objective of this research is to analyze the implementation of Quality and Safety and Health at Work management systems in agro-industrial companies, in order to consolidate documentary material on this important topic by establishing bases to measure the development of each standardization in organizations and to be able to project the commitment that each one has to quality and health and safety at work. The research approach was exploratory with a qualitative approach, where 75 companies from the agro-industrial sector participated, using tools for collecting and tabulating data relevant to the research such as surveys, dynamic tables, checklists, among others, within the results were achieved Specify that of the total sample, only five percent of the companies have been certified in quality management and Occupational Health and Safety. It can be concluded that the application of management systems can become a reality, considering that the regulations do not impose restrictions regarding their implementation scale. Furthermore, by approaching this process comprehensively, it is possible to satisfy each of the requirements in an equivalent manner.


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How to Cite

Chávez Galvis, J., Gómez-Quintero, L. Y., López Suarez, E., & Vega Gualdrón, M. (2023). Quality management and occupational health and safety systems in agroindustrial companies – Aguachica. Mundo FESC Journal, 13(27). https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.1324



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