Most frequent injuries in soccer players in the initiation stage


  • Raúl Barceló-Reyna Universidad de Las Tunas
  • Osvaldo Javier Martín-Agüero Universidad de Camaguey



sports initiation, soccer, sports injuries


The current competitive demands of football demand that players start systematic practices from an early age. This increases the risk of suffering sports injuries, with implications from the physical, psychological and sociological point of view. In this context, the present investigation is carried out with the objective of characterizing the injuries that occurred in school soccer players in Las Tunas province, Cuba. A retrospective descriptive transectional study of a qualitative and quantitative nature was carried out. Through the review of documents, all the injuries registered in the sample of soccer players of both sexes belonging to the School of Sports Initiation (EIDE) Carlos Leyva González, were analyzed during the period September 2016-July 2017. A high incidence was found of injuries, among them the most frequent ones were of microtraumatic origin, with predominance of the tendinous ones mainly at the knees.


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How to Cite

Barceló-Reyna, R., & Martín-Agüero, O. J. (2019). Most frequent injuries in soccer players in the initiation stage. Mundo FESC Journal, 10(S1), 76–80.


