Research as a pedagogical strategy for building a culture of science,technology and innovation in schools
knowledge construction, science culture, pedagogical strategy, school researchAbstract
The construction of a culture in science, technology and innovation from the school is possible only from a practical conception, incorporating and promoting the development of strategies for the promotion of research in the classroom. However, the school environment is affected by the lack of spaces for the construction of knowledge. From this perspective, this study was carried out in order to determine the impact of research as a pedagogical strategy in the training of students and young people in school. The methodology used in this research was based on the qualitative approach of the participative action type, in which the selected sample of the 48 participating educational institutions was actively interacted with. The results reflected that the application of a pedagogical strategy where its objective was to foster a culture in science, technology and innovation in the school where a change was observed in the students’ conception of research; which was evidenced in the interest shown and their commitment to solving direct and indirect problems present in the context; these students being the main motivators of the teachers towards research processes. It was concluded that the participation of students and teachers in research processes with pedagogical strategies allowed the promotion and construction of a scientific spirit in the child and youth population, where the school became a platform to consolidate their questions through research, obtaining answers through concrete research.
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