Social media and study habits in incoming students at upp
students, profesional training, study habits, social networksAbstract
Study habits are a fundamental part of every student’s life, as it involves the way in which they study and how time is set aside to carry out a job, task or project. This project shows the use of social networks and study habits in first-semester students of the Polytechnic University of Penjamo. Due to the confinement of the year 2020, the use of social networks became a fundamental part of the daily life of students. With this research carried out from September to December 2020, it is intended to determine which social networks are most frequently used and the study habits in first-semester students, for teachers to generate strategies that help students use social media to improve their learning. For this purpose, the non experimental, transectional-exploratory design was used; a sample of 181 students from the first semester of the different academic programs taught at the University was taken, to whom a questionnaire was applied through the Google Forms. Part of the results of the research were shown, in which it was observed that students consult social networks, the same number of hours they spend to study; the most used social networks and the development of study habits were identified.It is concluded that it is opportune to consider the use of a virtual social network to have a better learning and a medium for teaching. The results help teachers to make decisions in the implementation of strategies for the benefit of students and professors at the Polytechnic University of Penjamo.
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