Exploring creativity and design: the case of Alexander McQueen


  • Gleydis Paola Espinosa Ojeda Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte, Cúcuta, Colombia.
  • Raquel Marulanda Rios Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte, Cúcuta, Colombia. https://orcid.org/0009-0008-7778-8824


Creativity, Influential, Innovative, Inspiration, Avant-garde.


This research analyzes the creative processes of Alexander McQueen, an influential fashion designer for his innovative
and avant-garde approach. The study has a qualitative approach, which seeks to understand the elements that influenced
McQueen's creativity and how he developed and shaped his ideas. Through this research we will learn about the stages
and techniques that Alexander used in his creative processes, with the intention of making known those strategies
that allowed him to stand out in the fashion industry. The factors that stimulate creativity in fashion are diverse,
from inspiration in art, music and nature to experimentation and constant research. Designers create visual narratives
that connect the past, present and future, balancing their creative visions with market demands and current trends.
McQueen distinguished himself as an artist and storyteller who explored themes of identity, beauty and mortality in
his collections. His legacy highlights fashion as a field of artistic and cultural creation with the power to influence and
reflect society.







