economic growth, fiscal policies, fiscal policy lawsAbstract
In 2019, a pandemic began that generated an economic and social crisis that brought with it the contraction of the economy, the Gross Domestic Product fell by 7.7% in 2020, showing a drop to negative values of supply and demand for services, which impacted production, employment, poverty and inequality in the regions. Therefore, the present study analyzes the indicators on economic growth and tax laws adopted by Latin American countries in the period corresponding to 2020 – 2022. For the study methodology, a bibliometric analysis was carried out in the Scopus and WoS, on the study variables: economic growth and fiscal policies; The scientific quality of the journals and research articles consulted was verified, as well as the trends of the topic investigated in the unit of analysis; Searches include descriptive statistics, trends, network analysis, and comparison of terms related to specific variables. Finally, it is concluded that the economic growth of the Latin American countries for the year 2020 had a considerable negative drop, as a result of the paralysis of the regions; On the other hand, by 2021 there is a positive recovery in the economic growth of the countries, evidencing an economic recovery in the regions, as a result of the adoption of expansive fiscal policies applied by the governments in power in the short term; However, by 2022, economic growth for Latin American countries had a considerable decrease compared to the previous year, which directly interferes with the economic development of the regions.
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