Operations Management in the competitiveness of the Clusters


  • Lloyd Herbert Morris Molina Universidad Católica de Pereira
  • Ender José Barrientos Monsalve Fundación de Estudios Superiores Comfanorte - FESC
  • Olga Jasmin Salazar de Morris Universidad Católica de Pereira
  • Paula Milena Ríos Universidad Católica de Pereira




This article presents an overhaul of the techniques of Operations Management (OM), which given its impact on the management of production processes, can affect the competitiveness of clusters. In the Colombian case there is clear evidence of a level of static productivity in the field of operations, so it is essential to define a theoretical structure that links the techniques in operations with the possibilities of competitiveness of the clusters. This article presents various instruments of operations management such as: forecasts, aggregate planning, inventories, learning curves and the deployment of the quality function that minimize the gaps to achieve an approach of educational institutions and their research processes to the objectives priorities of productive firms identified as clusters. In addition to the theories, models and practical cases, a reflection is presented on techniques or instruments in processes that impact on the priority objectives of cluster initiatives.

Keywords:Operations Management, Gaps, Cluster, Competitiveness, Productivity.


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Cómo citar

Operations Management in the competitiveness of the Clusters. (2019). Mundo FESC, 9(17), 49-59. https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.362