Water management of the Dedito and San Antonio micro-basins of the Andean-Amazonian foothills from the perspective of sustainable development


  • Donovan Godoy Lozada Universidad de la amazonia, Florencia, Caquetá, Colombia
  • Douglas Izarra Vielma Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, San Cristóbal, Venezuela




education for sustainable development, water resources development, Colombia


Water supply must be seen from a common interest perspective rather than individual interest where the communities and other entities are actively involved in its use, management and conservation. Nevertheless, the pressure for the demand of this natural resource for the human and productive consumption in an inadequate manner implies one of the most important threats to the sustainability of water resources linked to demographic growth. This phenomenon is viewed from the western commune of Florencia municipality (Caqueta – Colombia). The inhabitants of El Timmy neighborhood were in need to take advantage of the water micro-basins from the Dedito and San Antonio streams. This process is analyzed in this study, in which by means of the application of the Grounded Theory method and the discussion group technique it was carried out the description of the actions accomplished by the user community regarding the access and use of water from the view of a sustainable development. These results give account for an inefficient or insufficient actions by the State and the actions of the individuals to solve their needs for access and use of water showing the importance of education towards a sustainable development in order to claim and organize their own water rights. This makes their actions sustainable as for their health caring and their own water resource itself. Among some of the conclusions drawn from this study, the education for a sustainable development is a necessity broadly considered in all areas, not only at school but also with the linkage of the communities and the educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Godoy Lozada, D., & Izarra Vielma, D. (2023). Water management of the Dedito and San Antonio micro-basins of the Andean-Amazonian foothills from the perspective of sustainable development. Mundo FESC Journal, 13(S1), 183–208. https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.1497



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