TikTok as a pedagogical strategy in ethics and values teaching





app, technopedagogical strategies, social networks, TikTok


The main objective of the study TikTok as a Pedagogical Strategy in the Teaching of Ethics and Values: A Case Study at the Buena Esperanza Technical Institute was to explore the impact of the use of the TikTok application as a pedagogical tool in improving the teaching and learning process of ethics and values at the Buena Esperanza Technical Institute; its theoretical framework was based on the social constructivist approach and the Theory of Technology-Mediated Learning (TAM). The former highlighted the importance of social interaction and collaboration in the construction of knowledge, while the latter theory examined how technology influences the teaching and learning process, acting as a mediator between the student and the educational content. A mixed type approach was used, combining elements of quantitative and qualitative research; the study design selected was the case study, allowing a deep understanding of the phenomenon in its real context, for data collection techniques such as direct observation, survey and documentary analysis were used. The target population and sample was the student community of the Instituto Técnico Buena Esperanza; a sample of 10 active seventh grade students was selected, approximately 30% of the total population, to guarantee the representativeness and validity of the conclusions of the study. Data analysis revealed that the use of TikTok as a pedagogical tool resulted in a significant increase in knowledge retention and understanding of ethical concepts and values as students showed greater participation in activities related to the application, which translated into an improvement in their grades and academic performance. In addition, a positive change in the students' attitude towards ethics and values was observed, reflected in greater reflection on their actions and greater empathy towards others; these findings support the feasibility of integrating TikTok in the classroom as an effective strategy to improve the teaching of ethics and values. Likewise, the effectiveness of the TikTok-based pedagogical strategy to improve academic performance and promote the development of ethical skills and values in students was concluded. The integration of TikTok generated a high level of participation and engagement, as well as a notable increase in interest towards the subject of ethics and values; the results suggest a positive impact on various aspects of student learning and behavior, supporting the usefulness of this innovative approach in the educational setting.


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How to Cite

Cordero Díaz, J. D., Espinel Rubio, G. A., & Vera Contreras, M. J. (2024). TikTok as a pedagogical strategy in ethics and values teaching. Mundo FESC Journal, 14(28). https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.1505



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