Scaffolding theory as a tool for constructing mathematical thinking




Teaching, learning, mathematical thinking, social education and scaffolding


This research work responded to the needs expressed in different academic spaces, which are of public display, the poor performance in national and international tests in the aspects of mathematical knowledge; so it is necessary to try to analyze the processes of teaching and learning and more specifically in the construction of mathematical thinking; from an innovative and agile vision that broke the traditional learning schemes of repetition of algorithms and implementation of formulas. Presenting the concept of scaffolding as a tool for the appropriation of knowledge as a social way of learning and capturing mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities. In the different educational moments this manifest weakness is observed with concern, but the research was focused on teachers who impart knowledge to students in the first semesters of engineering at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander more specifically those who were taking the subject of Calculus I or Integral Calculus. The concept of scaffolding as a social way of learning and capturing mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities is presented as a tool for the appropriation of knowledge. In the different educational moments this manifest weakness is observed with concern, but the research was focused on teachers who impart knowledge to students in the first semesters of engineering at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, more specifically those taking the subject of Calculus I or Integral Calculus. Taking into account as the main objective of the research the formulation of a pedagogical strategy based on scaffolding as a tool for the construction of mathematical knowledge in higher education in students of differential calculus at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander in Cúcuta; for this achievement, the theoretical proximities that are implemented in university training spaces must be recognized and established, likewise the dimensions addressed by the informant teachers must be identified and based on these inputs, a pedagogical strategy within the framework of the theory of scaffolding must be proposed. Translated with (free version)The research was developed under a quantitative approach, descriptive research level and quasi-experimental design, with a transectional or cross-sectional methodology consisting of four phases, the initial phase which was the selection of the study group, the execution of the study that was conducted through surveys and structured interviews: a third phase that focused on the analysis of the results obtained and a final phase, where the respective conclusions were generated. As conclusions we can elucidate that the most important dimensions were defined, characterised and weighted from the teachers' point of view within the teaching-learning process of mathematical thinking and, in the same way, some sub-divisions were proposed that will later be treated as scaffolds for the construction of mathematical thinking.


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How to Cite

Vargas Mantilla, C. O., Mendoza Lizcano, S. M., & Palacios Alvarado, W. (2023). Scaffolding theory as a tool for constructing mathematical thinking. Mundo FESC Journal, 13(26), 184–199.



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