Food consumption preferences from the basic food basket (CBA) in Pamplona, Colombia.
Food, basic basket, consumption, projectionAbstract
Every day, human beings consume products that make up the basic basket (CBA), therefore, it is essential that the markets are adequately supplied to satisfy the needs of the population. This underlines the importance of collecting statistics that allow evaluating the level of CBA food consumption in the municipality of Pamplona. For this purpose, a cross-sectional study was carried out that covered a representative and random sample of 1080 households in the urban area of Pamplona, Colombia. A structured survey was applied, based on the foods that make up the basic basket. The responses were analyzed in order to evaluate both the quantity and frequency of consumption of each food, with the purpose of calculating the monthly volume of each food product and making annual demand projections. The consumption of products from the basic food basket in Pamplona homes focuses on a set of 100 foods, which gives rise to a waste characterized by a wide variety of types of food. However, notable differences stand out in the quantity consumed of various food groups, which poses significant challenges in terms of the quality and nutritional value of the population’s diet.
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