Absenteeism and presenteeism: Impact on productivity and control strategy through a prevention and health promotion program.


  • Blanca Johanna Pérez Fernández Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios Cúcuta, Colombia.
  • Laudyd Marcela Medina Parada Unión Vial Río Pamplonita , Cúcuta, Colombia.
  • Gian Carlos Rolón Ibarra CORPONOR, Cúcuta, Colombia.
  • Emilio del Carmen Contreras Henao Hospital Jorge Cristo Sahium, Cúcuta, Colombia.




Absenteeism, Work-related accidents, Common accident, Common disease, Presenteeism work, Health promotion, Disease prevention.


Absenteeism and presenteeism are factors that impact productivity and interfere in the mechanisms and strategies addressed from the safety and health at work. Since 2017 there have been no occupational diseases, this research investigated the influence of common
diseases on the development and performance of the working population in the company, in order to design a prevention and promotion program that generates control strategies and monitoring of common diseases and health conditions, thus creating a better working environment, minimizing the risks and losses that
can be generated in the company. A mixed approach was used under a descriptive and documentary scope, which allowed identifying the main causes that generate absenteeism and presenteeism; the strategies implemented by the organization for the care and maintenance of health in the work environment were recognized; and finally, preventive measures were established. Among the findings, it was found that the main causes of absenteeism and presenteeism in the company are represented
by common illnesses in the highest percentage and occupational and common accidents in the lowest percentage. The elaboration of promotion and prevention programs is of great help to all labor actors in view of the fact that it informs, promotes and prevents in the organization the increase of figures related to absenteeism and presenteeism, in addition it is important to generate training spaces for workers regarding their safety according to the function to be performed in a given company, with the purpose
of performing their work under a health and safety approach obtaining greater attention, dedication and commitment at work.


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How to Cite

Pérez Fernández, B. J., Medina Parada, L. M., Rolón Ibarra, G. C., & Contreras Henao, E. del C. (2024). Absenteeism and presenteeism: Impact on productivity and control strategy through a prevention and health promotion program. Mundo FESC Journal, 14(28), 115–134. https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.1590



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