Methodological actions for the assembly of the routine in the aerobic sports gymnastics


  • Ramona Carro-Asen Universidad de Las Tunas



methodological actions,, aerobic sports gmnastics, assembly, routine


The research addresses the aspects related to the actions to be carried out by Physical Education teachers for the assembly of the routine in Aerobic Sports Gymnastics, considering that there are limitations in the organization of this process and in the integration and fluidity of the components that form part of the routine, which affect its quality. Designon actions to carry out the assembly of the routine that is presented in competition with the interest to improve its execution and coordination between movements and music. The tasks planned to comply with the research were developed in the municipality of Las Tunas, in the province of the same name, with the participation of 30 professors located in 30 primary schools responsible for the Aerobic Sports Gymnastics project. The research uses theoretical methods (analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and functional structural systemic) and the empirical level (observation, interview, survey, document analysis and experiment). The proposed actions were submitted to the experts' criteria and the results of the pre-experiment to the statistical processing. The theoretical and practical validation of the proposed actions show their relevance and possibility of application to the benefit of routines from interrelated components that identify it, whose essence lies in the integration of different actions and facilitate the assembly from a flexible, systemic conception, integrative and contextual, which is based on a system of principles that express the particular aspects to be taken into account in the conduct of this process.


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How to Cite

Carro-Asen, R. (2019). Methodological actions for the assembly of the routine in the aerobic sports gymnastics. Mundo FESC Journal, 10(S1), 14–26.


