Analysis of the communication of the trainer-athlete in the context of boxing competition from the perspective of linguistic studies


  • Luis Ramón Campo-Yumar Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas.
  • Madeleyne Bermúdez-Sánchez Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas



speech acts, boxing, athlete coach communication, illocutionary force markers, applied linguistics, non-verbal communication


The objective of the present investigation was to characterize the use of the speech acts of the coach when communicating with the school athlete in the context of the boxing competition. He adjusted to the interpretative paradigm with a qualitative approach. The fundamental method used was discourse analysis conceived as: the study of the functioning of verbal language and the interaction with other codes within communication. The main types of speech acts performed in the context of rest were analyzed. Among the main results obtained, the presence of directive speech acts associated with markers of illocutionary force is highlighted, such as the verb mode, certain grammatical structures and identifying and emblematic gestures in the technical-tactical component. On the other hand, in the affective-emotive component, indirect speech acts of congratulation (from the assertive ones) and reproach (using direct speech acts), linked to mechanisms that make ostensive the communicative intention as adverbs, certain morphosyntactic structures, are frequent and externalizing gestures.


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How to Cite

Campo-Yumar, L. R., & Bermúdez-Sánchez, M. (2019). Analysis of the communication of the trainer-athlete in the context of boxing competition from the perspective of linguistic studies. Mundo FESC Journal, 10(S1), 95–105.


