Workshops of theoretical-methodological preparation for the adaptation of the motor tasks of school children with physical-motor limitations


  • Daniela Milagros-Palacioi Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
  • Odalis Ruano-Anoceto Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
  • Ángela González-Padrón Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas



curricular adaptation, physical-motor limitations, theoretical-methodological preparation, workshops, adapted motor tasks


In the work the results obtained in the diagnosis of the doctoral thesis “Methodology for the adaptation of the motor tasks of the Physical Education class with limited physical-motor school students were taken into account. Palace (2014); it is a response to the need to prepare teachers in the process; Therefore, the scientific problem to be solved is: the insufficient preparation of the Physical Education teacher of the primary school, to face the adaptation of the motor tasks in the class with school children with physical-motor limitations. To answer the problem, the objective is stated: to design workshops for the preparation of the Physical Education teacher, based on the process of adapting the motor tasks in the class with school children with physical-motor limitations. In the process of data collection, methods and techniques were used, such as documentary analysis, the survey, the pedagogical and performance test, the pre-experiment, videos, workshops and exchanges of experiences, the empirical distribution of frequency. The population comprised 16 Physical Education teachers of the second cycle in primary education in Santa Clara, Villa Clara province; In addition, four methodologists. As a main result, the research provides an alternative for improvement characterized by the design of six workshops for instruction and reflection for physical education teachers and their practical instrumentation, based on the strategic combination of theoretical and practical activities. In conclusion, it also contributes to the enrichment of the Physical Education program and the process of educational inclusion.


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How to Cite

Milagros-Palacioi, D., Ruano-Anoceto, O., & González-Padrón, Ángela . (2019). Workshops of theoretical-methodological preparation for the adaptation of the motor tasks of school children with physical-motor limitations. Mundo FESC Journal, 10(S1), 134–144.


