Mobile application to manage public transport routes


  • Maria Camila Sánchez Velásquez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Kely Yineth Díaz-Pedroza Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Dewar Willmer Rico Bautista Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



smart city, vehicular mobility, wireless sensor network, global positioning system, smart technologies


Smart mobile apps are software applications designed to work with phones, tablets, and other mobile electronic devices. They are very vital to our society today, including communication, education, business, entertainment, medicine, finance, travel, utilities, social services, and transportation. In the latter category, opportunities have been revealed that include route planning, car pooling and ride sharing, road safety, parking information, transportation data collection, emissions, fuel consumption, and travel information. The mobile application development aims to provide information to the user of each minibus based on their preferred route. It is articulated with a smart bus prototype, which has a network of sensors and a global positioning system (GPS). The information about the sensors and positioning are centralized through an Arduino, in which the process allows the users to know the number of available positions, location, and calculation of the distance between the user and microbus, based on the geo reference; reference points, are loaded between the bus and the user's mobile device. This contributes to the management of public transport routes in a specific population, obtaining vital information by connecting the different applications that people use in their daily lives, considering main variables such as speed, time and distance traveled on a given route.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Velásquez, M. C., Díaz-Pedroza, K. Y., & Rico Bautista, D. W. (2020). Mobile application to manage public transport routes. Mundo FESC Journal, 10(20), 230–240.



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