Relationship between research groups, scientific production and researchers in Colombian higher education institutions




scientific productivity, Scopus, research groups, researchers


Objective: the objective of this article is to explore the statistical correlation between research groups, scientific production, and researchers in Colombian higher education institutions. Method: the methodological strategy focused on the simple bivariate correlation analysis (Pearson's coefficient) of a set of data obtained in the most important databases of this country and compared with the scientific production of these institutions in journals included in SCOPUS. Results: it was possible to observe a high positive correlation between the main variables studied (number of research groups and number of publications in SCOPUS), beyond the presence of alternative variables (number of researchers, their categorization in the national research system). science, researcher productivity and level of education Conclusions: It is concluded that the indicated correlation is high for the indicated variable and for the quality of the research groups and that this is related to the hierarchical categorization of the researchers, although not with the productivity of each considered separately.


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How to Cite

Pereira , L. ., Gil , . M. ., & Barboza , . J. L. . (2021). Relationship between research groups, scientific production and researchers in Colombian higher education institutions. Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S3), 103–116.


