Social movements and the response of the state, a look at the situation of San José de Cúcuta


  • Yurany Ayala- Andrade Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Claudia Elizabeth Toloza-Martínez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Laura Angélica Jaimes-Bolaño Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



human rights, social movements, student movement, social development, social justice, equity, social policies, social work


This article contains the critical reflective analysis around social movements from citizen participation and organization in the city of Cúcuta. Throughout time, social movements have been defined as the “non-formal grouping of individuals or organizations dedicated to socio-political issues that has its sole purpose is to vindicate the struggle for social and political rights that questions any type of domination. with the representation of pluralism in democracy. In this sense, de facto actions such as demonstrations, blockades and protests have been the popular mechanisms that have made visible the social struggles for equal living conditions with dignity for the communities. The disagreement due to the limited budget scope for those of social policies, the mismanagement of the public treasury and corruption have promoted social discontent that have been reflected in de facto actions with great power of convocation that mobilize local, national and even international actors. In that sense, the national strike of November 21, 2019 is brought up, where thousands of Colombians throughout the country joined the call to show their dissatisfaction with the country's socio-political system. Among the aspects that caused the most commotion stands out; such as labor and pension reforms, the budget for universities, unemployment and impunity in the face of the murders of social leaders. The low perception of social and economic equality continues in force in the Colombian population, promoting community participation and organization to fight for the enjoyment and enjoyment of social, civil and political rights.


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How to Cite

Ayala- Andrade, Y., Toloza-Martínez, C. E., & Jaimes-Bolaño, L. A. (2021). Social movements and the response of the state, a look at the situation of San José de Cúcuta. Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S1), 184–193.



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