Analysis of the variables related to the perception of influencers of tourist destinations by followers on social networks




influencers, followers, tourist promotion, marketing, correlation


In the digital age, the use of influencers on social networks are a promotional alternative for tourism marketing, since the content they create generates greater reach and persuasion compared to conventional information published by other media; what motivates to expand the knowledge on the subject, for which the objective of this article is to integrate existing variables of influencers in social networks from the perception of the followers. For this, the literature was reviewed and a correlational descriptive study was carried out, applying a cross-sectional factorial solution, based on 390 surveys of tourists who follow influencers. The results show that the six variables established in the study are grouped into three components: closeness, convenience and opportunity. Which concludes the need to deepen the results found for future research as they contribute to the design of marketing strategies at the digital level in tourism organizations.


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How to Cite

Guatavita-Ordoñez, L. X. ., Guzmán-Ramos, H. F. ., Palacios-Rozo, J. J. ., & Amaya-Cocunubo, I. F. . (2021). Analysis of the variables related to the perception of influencers of tourist destinations by followers on social networks. Mundo FESC Journal, 11(22), 82–94.



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