Antenna analyzer for the HF and VHF bands using embedded systems


  • Jorge-Enrique Herrera-Rubio Universidad de Pamplona
  • Ángelo-Joseph Soto-Vergel Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Jeison-Eduardo Eslava-Pedraza Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



antennas, high-frequency, embedded system, radiation pattern


Nowadays, telecommunications play a fundamental role in daily life, because they are implemented in both the industrial and commercial sector, so it is sought to optimize, improve and measure parameters and physical phenomena that may affect the performance of the components used in a wireless communication system; for this reason it is essential to constantly monitor the antennas used in telecommunications to validate their performance and operability, these activities are costly due to the electronic devices with which they are implemented; this article proposes the development of an embedded system for the analysis of antennas in the high frequency HF and very high frequency VHF bands through a methodology based on four stages: parameter selection, technological integration, application development, and system validation. As a result, a compact system is built that allows obtaining antenna parameters such as impedance, radiation pattern and medium power beam, all with errors lower than 0.1 %, compared to the reference laboratory equipment calibrated and adjusted for the frequency ranges from 10 MHz to 50 MHz, allowing establishing a prototype designed as an alternative for testing and validation in laboratories.


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How to Cite

Herrera-Rubio, J.-E., Soto-Vergel, Ángelo-J., & Eslava-Pedraza, J.-E. (2021). Antenna analyzer for the HF and VHF bands using embedded systems. Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S2), 275–287.


