Study of photovoltaic system alternatives for the Civil Aeronautics Administration in the Camilo Daza Airport


  • Sebastián Loaiza Elejalde Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Sergio Basilio Sepúlveda Mora Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



photovoltaic System, pre-feasibility study, investment project, MGA methodology


Considering the growing adoption and success of photovoltaic systems in the industry, this paper studied the conditions, cost, and benefits of implementing two alternatives of these systems. A grid-tied photovoltaic system, and a hybrid grid-tied photovoltaic system with batteries, for the Civil Aeronautic technical support building, located in the Camilo Daza Airport. For this, information related to meteorological conditions and electric load profiles were compiled. Then, the systems were designed and simulated with HOMER Grid and PVSyst software. Finally, the benefits and costs for each case were evaluated by analyzing the Net Present Cost and the payback period. As a result, implementing the grid-tied photovoltaic system is more profitable, due to its Net Present Cost of $63.910.000 COP and a payback period of 6 years, while the alternative system has a net present value of $12.800.000 COP and 12 years of payback period. On the other hand, by implementing the hybrid system, the building would have backup power for the lighting during an outage which represents an important technical advantage for this system.


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How to Cite

Study of photovoltaic system alternatives for the Civil Aeronautics Administration in the Camilo Daza Airport. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(23), 7-22.