Marketing and communications automation in companies with B2C eCommerce. Case study.


  • Clara Inés Uribe Beltrán Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores
  • Daniel Fernando Sabogal Neira Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
  • Handrix García Durán Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano



automation, marketing, digital transformation, electronic commerce, ICT


This article presents the main results of a research that characterizes the use of marketing and communications automation technologies in a company with B2C e-commerce, a business model with high growth in Latin America. The objectives aim to determine the use given to the automation platforms of communications and online marketing and define how the digital transformation has impacted the company. The methodology applied was the case study, including an immersion in the technological platforms of the chosen company, related to communications and online marketing, and includes a systematic observation of the route of the sales funnel under the automation parameters, plus a in-depth interview with its general manager. The results show that the company goes through a period of refining the automation path until it reaches its final adoption and maturity. As a conclusion, there is a reflection on the digital transformation of SMEs in Colombia and Latin America and the need for training in the concept of automation and in the management of specialized platforms.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

Marketing and communications automation in companies with B2C eCommerce. Case study. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S5), 121-134.