Inclusive education in the Catatumbo region, Universidad Francisco De Paula Santander Ocaña a challenge for access to higher education
Catatumbo, inclusion, youth, universityAbstract
The Catatumbo region is one of the most conflictive areas in Colombia, the presence of multiple conflicts is part of the region, one of the problems is access to higher education. This article aims to present the results of the inclusive education proposal developed by the Francisco de Paula Santander University that has had an impact on access to higher education for young people in the Catatumbo region. The collection of information and its analysis is based on a non-experimental descriptive quantitative method; The phases were divided into three parts: a diagnosis that consisted of a tracking of information on access to higher education in the Catatumbo region for the first semester of 2019, as a second part, the design and formalization of the inclusive education proposal for young people from the Catatumbo region; Finally, the impact of this proposal was evaluated during the first semester of 2021. As a result, it was determined that 6.4% of the students who graduated from high school in 2018 in the Catatumbo region entered the Francisco de Paul Santander de Ocaña University. the first half of 2019; the implementation of the inclusive education project was evidenced in the creation of resolution 0479 of August 13, 2019; Finally, it was possible to identify an increase of 65% of students from the Catatumbo region at the Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña University, going from 36 admitted for the first semester of 2019 to 55 for the first semester of 2021. As the main conclusion it is determined that There is a positive and significant impact of the inclusive education proposal on access to higher education in the Catatumbo region.
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