Analysis of the organizational silence at the Francisco de Paula University Santander Ocaña, Colombia


  • Liceth Arévalo-Pérez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Elvis Ríos-Pacheco Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Héverd Augusto Páez-Quintana Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



rrganizational silence, prosocial behaviors, organizational climate, corporate communication, action plan


This article shows the results of the research called Organizational Silence at the Francisco de Paula Santander University Ocaña Colombia; which, had as main objective to analyze the causes and effects of business silence in the collaborators of the university educational institution. The research was developed with a mixed approach and DITRAC design (concurrent triangulation) with an exploratory and descriptive scope; Surveys and in-depth interviews were used to collect information, which allowed triangulating the information and making epistemological comparisons on the subject studied. Among the most relevant results of the research are the types of fear experienced by employees in the institution; In addition, the possible reasons why employees experience organizational silence were known, among which the following stand out: the need to avoid retaliation and conflicts with other colleagues, since it is important for them to protect the work environment; the non-existence of freedom to speak with managers and teachers who are hired for an indefinite term, that is to say that the types of contracts influence organizational silence; and finally that there is a high degree of sense of belonging to the institution.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

Analysis of the organizational silence at the Francisco de Paula University Santander Ocaña, Colombia. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S5), 149-164.