Analysis of practices associated with sustainability in the tourism value chain in Norte de Santander


  • Liana Carolina Ovalles-Pabón Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA
  • Ana Delfina Tovar-Quiroz Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA



environmental, service, socicultural, sustainability, tourism


In Norte de Santander, tourist services are grouped taking into account the type of municipality and the capacity to meet the demand of annual users. In this analysis, an instrument was applied to 322 tourist establishments distributed in 45 accommodation companies, 131 bars and restaurants, 8 tourist guide companies and 19 travel agencies; each one with a National Tourism Registry in the respective Chambers of Commerce of Cúcuta and Pamplona. This instrument collected information related to the support activities that generate value in the organization according to Porter's value chain in direct relation to the environmental, social and economic components. From this analysis, it was possible to identify that both providers in Cúcuta and Pamplona at the infrastructure level, accommodation and gastronomy services present more than 50% of difficulties in appropriation of sustainable strategies in processes related to adaptation of space for different disabilities, resource management water, energy saving, and development of local improvements. In activities related to human resources, it was identified that more than 60% do not use a second language in customer service. In the same way, in activities related to the development or implementation of technology, it was specifically identified in Pamplona that, in 80% of the providers of accommodation, guidance and transport services, there is difficulty in the use of specific software for the service they provide, development of studies on technological changes in the competition, the establishment of automated processes and computer security. For the PST, the approach of environmental and social processes with respect to the economic component ends up becoming one more expense or situations that cannot be controlled. To promote sustainable development in tourism, support is required in technological updating processes, the strengthening of human capital and the chaining of production processes.


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How to Cite

Analysis of practices associated with sustainability in the tourism value chain in Norte de Santander. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(S1), 22-35.

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