Design of a fuzzy control strategy vs PID in multivariable linear coupled systems


  • Julio Ernesto Gomez-Hernandez Universidad de Pamplona
  • Aldo Pardo-Garcia Universidad de Pamplona
  • Oscar Manuel Duque-Suarez Universidad de Pamplona
  • Jorge Luis Díaz-Rodríguez Universidad de Pamplona



control strategy, fuzzy logic, PID, MIMO, tuning


This paper deals with the development and testing of a methodology that allows the end user to tune a fuzzy controller for multivariable systems (MIMO). The strategy was carried out by simulating a Wood-Berry methane-water distillation column model. By means of a series of steps described in this document where it is carried out from the identification of each one of the functions contained in a multivariable system. The calculation of the decoupling mesh that allows to eliminate the effect of one variable on the other. The tuning of the classic controller which will be used for the development of a fuzzy controller from the error signals, delta error and controller output. Finally, a comparison is made between the controllers designed by means of a robustness analysis and a performance analysis.


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How to Cite

Design of a fuzzy control strategy vs PID in multivariable linear coupled systems. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S6), 93-109.

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