Social representations of the teacher in training around the pedagogical practice: reflections on the findings developed


  • María Lucila Velazco-Valderrama Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Ana Lourdes Laguado-Oicatá Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador
  • Félix Joaquín Lozano-Cárdenas Lozano-Cárdenas Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



pedagogical practice, social representations, teacher in training, moscovici


This article arises with the purpose of disseminating the reflections around the stories and the conclusions of a scientific investigation that had the objective of revealing the social representations that underlie the students of the Bachelor of Education on the pedagogical practice in rural contexts. The study was framed in the qualitative approach supported by the phenomenological method in order to configure an ontological, epistemic and methodological vision applied to twelve subjects (12) students, students of professional practice in Basic Primary educational institutions of the Junín Municipality, Táchira. Venezuela. Vision that is specified with the Theory of Social Representations of Moscovici to interpret the dynamics that involves the pedagogical action from the meanings, beliefs, and experiences of these participants. The findings revealed and the conclusions drawn were qualified from the conceptual elements of this theory (representation field, information field and attitude).


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How to Cite

Social representations of the teacher in training around the pedagogical practice: reflections on the findings developed. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S6), 124-137.