Collaborative economy and sustainability: bibliometric analysis




collaborative economy, sustainability, accommodation, business models, motivation, sharing consumption


The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review of research on the collaborative economy from a sustainability approach as a business model. Shared work and services in search of social welfare allow companies to operate with novel business models under sustainability activities. Thus, several bibliometric approaches have been carried out in order to prioritise the relationship between CE and the mobility, accommodation and tourism sectors. A WoS consultation was carried out and the most important ones were classified in the ToS platform. Finally, perspectives were identified based on the tree analogy, demonstrating the motivation of consumers in the use of shared services, accommodation as the main source of shared consumption and the CE business model towards sustainability.


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How to Cite

Collaborative economy and sustainability: bibliometric analysis. (2021). Mundo FESC Journal, 11(S6), 197-213.