Analysis of labor conditions from the level of Job satisfaction in the telecommunications sector
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Business development refers to an organization's ability to create value for society. Worker compensation is a form of compensation in the form of a wage or salary. This contextualization allows us to understand the social phenomenon in the actions of individuals and to reason about the potential causes of high turnover. The purpose of this research is to analyze the working conditions offered to employees within the company, identifying the factors that affect job satisfaction. The research is based on a descriptive methodology. The study population is the 1935 collaborators linked to the company as of September 2022. The sample is 321 employees, since the sample is a simple random probabilistic sample. The sociodemographic characteristics, the level of satisfaction with respect to internal and external factors are systematized. The organizational distribution in the company is acceptable with 65% operations, 17% administrative and 8% corporate. Most of the factors analyzed are acceptable, but goals, workloads, training and coaching are unacceptable (76%). Communication channels with the boss are unsatisfactory (67%). Recognition has 50% satisfaction and requires strengthening of recognition and bonus strategies to mitigate salary level effects. External factors have positive and negative trends in the level of job satisfaction. The negative ones are working conditions, achievements and responsibility (35%) and are related to an imposing leadership. The positive ones are achievement, responsibility and remuneration (44%).
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