use of technologies in the footwear sector as a competitiveness strategy

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Henry Orlando Luna Pereira
Luisa Stella Paz Montes
José Orlando García Mendoza


In Colombia, the footwear sector is one of the representative industrial sectors in the country, supplying job opportunities that contribute with the improvement in the quality of life of Colombians , According to (Danmarks Statististe Styrelse [DANE], 2018) the second regional survey of production statistics, compared to the same period of 2017, in 2018 compared to the same period of 2017, tanning and tanning, footwear and tourism goods in Bogota, their sales -26.6% and -11.9% respectively, again microenterprises are very important for the development of the country, because in Colombia, according to the Unified Registry of Business and Social -RUES- 94.7% of companies are microenterprises. These companies provide 67% of employment. The industry has suffered due to the entry of foreign footwear, which reflects a general drop in the industry's performance.

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use of technologies in the footwear sector as a competitiveness strategy. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(24), 38-50.


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