The small business and its social responsibility: ISA case in Morelia, Mexico




corporate social responsability, microcompany, stakeholders


Corporate social responsibility is applicable to all sizes of companies; in order to apply a model for the management of corporate social responsibility that is the basis of sustainable actions that benefit the community, a study was carried out with a qualitative approach that, through the research-action design, a micro company was intervened to implement corporate social responsibility strategies as part of its management, which were achieved with advice to the entrepreneur and interest groups; Individual and focus group interviews were conducted, applying a corporate social responsibility (CSR) management model. The limitation of the study is that the results can be replicated in a company with similar characteristics, leadership style and entrepreneur commitment; however, it is a sign that a micro-enterprise can participate in CSR actions, contrary to the idea that has been assumed that CSR can only be developed by large companies. The company in question implemented the CSR management system, including interest groups and actively participating in the development of the community with its workers, students, competitors and customers, being co-responsible for caring for society.


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How to Cite

The small business and its social responsibility: ISA case in Morelia, Mexico. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(S2), 38-50.