Politics of entrepreneurship in Colombia. A view from the women’s participation
entrepreneurship, female entreprenurship, entreprenurship public policies, sustainable development goalsAbstract
Colombia for the years 2014 to 2022 in its National Development Plans, assumes the commitment to outline policies framed in the Sustainable Development Goals, in order to consolidate the progress of the regions. For this reason, laws are formulated according to the established public policies that respond to the interests of the social welfare of nations. Consequently, this study analyzes the public policy guidelines for the development of female entrepreneurship in Colombia, under the premise of the Sustainable Development Goals and the various laws issued by the Colombian State, emphasizing the participation that women have had in this type of business. Regarding the methodology of the study, a bibliometric analysis was carried out, which includes systematic searches of information relevant to female entrepreneurship in the different Scopus databases; in addition, it was verified that the trends of the subject investigated in the unit of analysis, ensure the scientific quality of the journals and research articles consulted. The searches included descriptive statistics, trends, network analysis and comparison of terms related to entrepreneurship. Finally, it is concluded that the Colombian State, according to the policies outlined on female entrepreneurship and the laws that promote an inclusive and sustainable economy, optimize the monitoring carried out by the different entities involved in the execution of the same, with the purpose of guaranteeing the economic growth of the regions, as well as achieving a better preparation of women in terms of creating viable business models that contribute to the productive development of the cities foreseen in the national and departmental development plans.
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