Moodle as an e-learning tool in higher education: case of calculated questions for statistics


  • Carlos Alberto Mejía-Rodríguez Universidad Popular del Cesar
  • Luis Manuel Palmera-Quintero Universidad Popular del Cesar
  • Miguel Alberto Rincón-Pinzón Universidad Popular del Cesar
  • Lina Marcela Arévalo-Vergel Universidad Popular del Cesar



e-learning, Moodle, questions, statistics, calculated


Taking into account that the educational process requires carrying out evaluations to evaluate the learning results, which is not easy in fields related to mathematics such as statistics, since students are often required to carry out calculations or operations so that we can verify that the procedure is correct. The research is based on a qualitative approach, remember that according to this approach, descriptions can be made in the form of observations obtained through data collection methods such as interviews, questionnaires to observe the aspects to be studied and the characteristics of the phenomenon. Training in statistical reasoning is now the focus of most higher education academic courses, and universities are increasingly using digital tools to support this training, but they do not lend themselves well to variable numerical reasoning, limiting assessment to multiple choices. In response to the question, because some platforms allow you to develop specific math questions, but Moodle 3.9 contains four types of computational or numerical problems that allow you to create a more appropriate syllabus for assessment tools that involve solving equations. or numerical problems. This article examines the scope of online assessment and Moodle computational problems applied to statistics in the Systems Engineering program at Universidad Popular del Cesar. Finally, online assessment questionnaires can be shown to be appropriate and can support educational planning through technology and thus provide higher levels of compliance through the questionnaires through the use of information technology.


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How to Cite

Moodle as an e-learning tool in higher education: case of calculated questions for statistics. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(S2), 72-81.