Education in the Catatumbo: teaching performance and context


  • Claudia Toloza-Martínez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Gustavo Villamizar Suárez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Maritza Carolina Jaimes-Márquez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Laura Nataly Galvis-Velandia Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



Catatumbo, competences, speech, teacher, quality


The present investigative study relates the statements and the way in which they determine the concept of quality of the subject that educates in the Catatumbo region. Given this particularity, this qualitative study requires a hermeneutic approach, by motivating the understanding of actions in contexts, the illustration made by a teacher in response to real and specific situations is glimpsed. From the statements, the emerging codes related to Psychological Competences, General Competences, and Specific Competences are revealed. An important conclusion of the study is that its results recognize the profile that teachers have based on quality, which allows defining human resource training programs and pointing out the contributions that stimulate public policy in this region. The basic performances of the teachers are imposed by the reality that is particularized and lived in this area, you constantly learn to read reality, to propose new interpretations, and to create various strategies that give way to the nonsense of reality. same reality. The specific performances are based on diversity and difference as necessary spaces to rethink the conflict from the argument and not force as the only response. The generic performance of teachers indicates a constant pedagogical innovation that induces new practices in the way of responding and in the way of exercising leadership.


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How to Cite

Education in the Catatumbo: teaching performance and context. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(S2), 92-101.