Use of geophysics to determine the soil profile in the geological formations of the city of Ocaña, N.S


  • Romel Jesús Gallardo-Amaya Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Luís Fernando Ortega-Lozano Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
  • Gustavo Guerrero-Gómez Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander



geophysical test, soil profile, environmental noise, shear wave velocity


At present, the use of geophysical techniques to establish the shear wave velocity profile of soil has become widespread, one of these techniques corresponds to refraction by micro-tremors, which makes use of environmental noise to measure the shear wave velocity - Vs, a parameter that allows establishing the soil profile according to what is indicated in the Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente. For the development of the research, geophysical tests were carried out in 7 sectors of the south-eastern area of the city, 15 lines in sectors with the presence of materials from a geological formation of sedimentary origin, and 15 in a sector with materials from a geological formation of igneous origin. The sounding lines were carried out with an extension of 58 m, to establish the variation of shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m of the soil profile. It was found that the shear wave velocities in the soil profile with materials of sedimentary origin are lower than those determined in the soil profile with materials derived from igneous rocks. The mean values of shear wave velocity determined were 402 m / s for the 30 m soil profile with materials of sedimentary origin and 688 m / s for the soil profile of igneous origin. These values indicate, according to the Norma Sismo Resistente Colombiana, a type C soil profile. Additionally, the determining shear wave velocity profiles indicate that there is significant variability in the different sectors of the city where there are formation materials of sedimentary origin.


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How to Cite

Use of geophysics to determine the soil profile in the geological formations of the city of Ocaña, N.S. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(23), 134-143.