Functional kitchen model for kitchens from the market square of the Bolívar neighborhood in Popayán, Cauca


  • Yudy Ximena Bolaños-Bautista Universitaria Comfacauca
  • Alejandra María Rodriguez-Guarín Universitaria Comfacauca
  • Angélica María del Carmen Perez-Calvo Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca
  • Cristian Stiven Chicangana-Chicangana Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca



kitchen, simulation, desing, diagrams, systematic layout planning (SLP)


The objective of this degree work was focused on the realization of a standard model of kitchens located inside the Bolívar neighborhood market square, which will contribute to improve the provision of the service of preparation and sale of, action that is carried out seven days a week. The proposed model aims to improve the efficiency of these kitchens, accompanied by a good work environment that complies with the technical requirements and associated regulations, in addition to giving a better image, attracting new customers and improving the economic income of the cooks (as) and their families. For its development, a mixed methodology with a descriptive approach was implemented; In the first place, the current regulations that govern them were consolidated, regarding occupational safety, materials for the construction of restaurants and the management of spaces that they should have. The field work included two focus groups, made up of chefs from the plaza, the site administrator, and professionals with knowledge of plant distribution and occupational health and safety. With the information collected, the Systematic Design Planning (SLP) methodology was implemented, which uses engineering tools, such as CORELAP, path diagrams, flow charts, by virtue of making a better distribution inside the kitchen pavilion. Finally, kitchen models were made in AutoCAD; Its function in the FlexSim software was evaluated, yielding results such as displacements and products made. With the model selected, the 3D prototype was created in the Sketchup software.


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How to Cite

Functional kitchen model for kitchens from the market square of the Bolívar neighborhood in Popayán, Cauca. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(23), 167-180.