The intention of entrepreneurship, an analysis from the theory of planned behavior
Competitiveness, entrepreneurship, leadership, cognitive process., competitiveness, entrepreneurship, leadership, cognitive processAbstract
Increasingly, the dynamics of the globalization of knowledge, communications and the economy has led to the qualification of human resources becoming the best alternative in the processes to overcome poverty and achieve the development of peoples, taking As protagonists, innovative individuals, proactive with the ability to adapt to changes imposed by a highly competitive market. In this purpose, cognitive development from the classroom aimed at awakening the entrepreneurial spirit in the student is of fundamental importance. The objective of this research is to understand how the Francisco de Paula Santander University, through the Business Administration program, contributes to the formation of this type of leadership. The research was carried out on 40 Business Administration students, whose curriculum includes the compulsory subject of Entrepreneurship. Using a quantitative methodology, for which three moments were taken into account: before the Entrepreneurship course (M1), during the course (M2) and after the course (M3), which made it easier to perceive changes in beliefs about attitude, the perception of the subjective norms and the perception of the behavior control and intention of the student to become an entrepreneur. According to the results of the inquiries made to the course in the middle of the semester (M2), it was found that students experience a significant increase in confidence in the factors of attitudes, subjective norms, perception of control with respect to the beginning of the course.
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