el Applying the kriging geostatistical technique to model parameters of wáter quality, TSS, and pH in a section of the Quindío river, Colombia
Potential of hydrogen, total suspended solids, Kriging interpolation method, spatial autocorrelation, rivers, wáter resourcesAbstract
Background: The Quindío River, a crucial water source in the Quindío Department, faces pollution issues, particularly from domestic, agricultural, and industrial discharges, with the La María area being notably affected. Objective: This study aimed to collect data during the rainy season in the La María sector to analyze water quality in terms of potential of hydrogen (pH) and total suspended solids (TSS). Kriging technique was employed to estimate these parameters at non-sampled points, considering spatial and temporal data dependence. Methods: Sampling was conducted at various points along the river and different time intervals. Kriging analysis was applied to estimate potential of hydrogen and total suspended solids values at non-sampled locations, minimizing errors and allowing for cross-validation. Results: Smallest errors were obtained when potential of hydrogen and total suspended solids samples adhered to a normal distribution, highlighting Kriging's effectiveness in spatially autocorrelated data. This ensured ideal reliability in estimated results for pH and total suspended solids at non-sampled locations. Conclusions: The successful application of Kriging for estimating water quality in non-sampled points underscores its utility in managing uncertainty in critical water quality parameters like potential of hydrogen and total suspended solids, contributing to effective strategies for water resource preservation and management.
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