Discriminant and multivariate analysis of the financial management of banking establishments according to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia





multivariate discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, banking establishments, financial information, Pearson’s distance


The article presents an analysis of the management profiles of banking institutions that report to the Bank Superintendency, specifically to the Financial Superintendency of Colombia, through a cluster analysis using Minitab software and Multivariate Discriminant Analysis (MDA) with SPSS software. A review of the literature related to the study topic was conducted using SPSS software. The literature related to the object of study was initially reviewed through articles published in databases such as Scopus, Wos, Redalyc, and Google Scholar. The type of quantitative research was established through the statistical analysis of information, conducting a statistical analysis of panel data for the period from 2016 to 2021, resulting in 4 clusters, which ratifies the validation of the discriminant function, meaning that the groups have different variance-covariance matrices. It is also concluded that, despite the economic recession in 2020, the relative levels of the financial position indicators of the analyzed banks remained stable.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

Discriminant and multivariate analysis of the financial management of banking establishments according to the Financial Superintendence of Colombia. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(S3), 24-42. https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.1297

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