Bibliometric analysis, disruptive technologies and management of educational institutions: a review of scopus and wos in the last five years.


  • Claudia Liliana Serrano Junco Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Julián Alberto Agudelo Idárraga Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Pereira, Colombia
  • Andrea del Pilar García Donato Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Bogotá, Colombia



Disruptive technologies, educational management, bibliometric analysis, WoS, Scopus


The mechanisms used for the management and coordination of administrative processes in the management of educational institutions have acquired a relevant importance in the passage of time, especially, when the use of disruptive technologies is adopted in these processes as a performance or action that technifies, improves and facilitates these processes, since, it allows a transformation for educational quality and decision making; in turn, Information and Communication Technologies have transformed the way education is imparted, they have opened new possibilities for learning and teaching. It is significant to highlight that the productivity of organizations achieves an important technological influence configuration [1]. The present study emerges as a result of the relevance and interest of the topic at present, contributing to the disciplinary area, from an analysis and review of literature registered in the WoS and Scopus databases between 2019 and 2023, whose main objective is to identify which are the studies carried out in this disciplinary field and which are the research trends. By means of the systematic review of information, authors, articles and journals with greater influence in the research are identified; Cocitation Network and most influential authors through the mixed - descriptive approach that allows relating the previous described elements. Finally, the semantic categorical tree was developed, identifying the ontological, structural and orientative or current authors. In turn, the cluster referring to the motor, niche and emerging topics is classified, concluding the current state of the discipline of the use of disruptive technologies for educational management.


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How to Cite

Bibliometric analysis, disruptive technologies and management of educational institutions: a review of scopus and wos in the last five years. (2023). Mundo FESC Journal, 13(27), 99-117.