Power Quality of a Small-Scale Photovoltaic on Grid Generator: Case Study
Power Quality, photovoltaic system on grid, small-scale auto-generator, active power, reactive power, electromagnetic phenomenaAbstract
This paper shows the power quality analysis of a small-scale self-generator based on photovoltaic solar energy, located in the Andean and mountainous region of Colombia, specifically in the municipality of Pamplona in the department of Norte de Santander. The study was carried out with the Fluke 434-II power quality analyzer which allowed data to be obtained at the common coupling point between the existing electrical installation of the building and the photovoltaic generator. and perform the power quality analysis following international standards such as IEEE 1159 and IEEE 519; likewise, active and reactive energy consumption data were analyzed where 99 events were presented and classified, such as voltage harmonics, surges, collapses, among others. Finally, possible solutions to the energy quality problems and power consumption events found are presented as recommendations.
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