Interweaving Senses and Shapes: The Perceptual Learning Revolution in Educational Geometry.




Perceptual Learning, Educational Geometry, Perceptual Strategies, Perception


This research is rooted in the intersection between perceptual learning and geometry in the educational context. In a continually evolving educational world, the need arises to explore alternative avenues to improve the understanding and retention of geometric concepts. The background delineated the lack of attention to perception in traditional geometry instruction, serving as an impetus to address this gap and unlock potential improvements. The overarching goal was to explore how specific perceptual strategies might influence seventh grade students' geometric understanding. Using a qualitative methodological design and a case study approach, tools such as non-participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and field diaries were deployed. The target population, seventh grade students, provided unique insights into the application of perceptual strategies in the classroom. Results highlighted a significant change in geometric understanding after the intervention focused on perceptual strategies. Gestalt theory emerged as a relevant theoretical framework, supporting the effectiveness of organizing information in a meaningful way. In addition, emotional analysis revealed deep connections between emotion and retention of geometric concepts, bringing a novel dimension to the relationship between perception and learning. In the conclusion, the importance of considering perception as a central component in teaching was reaffirmed, challenging entrenched paradigms in geometric instruction. The call to action echoed the need to incorporate specific perceptual strategies in educational planning, highlighting the uniqueness of this research in the educational landscape. This perceptual journey not only unveiled new perspectives in educational geometry, but also pointed to avenues for future explorations in the dynamics between perception and learning.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

Interweaving Senses and Shapes: The Perceptual Learning Revolution in Educational Geometry. (2023). Mundo FESC Journal, 13(25), 91-111.