The Communicative Competence as an Enhancer of Mathematical Learning in a Flipped Classroom Environment


  • Angela Goretti Perdomo Mosquera Universidad Antonio Nariño, Neiva, Colombia.
  • Gerardo Antonio Chacón Guerrero Universidad Antonio Nariño, Bogotá, Colombia



communication, communicative competence, flipped classroom, roblem solving


In the field of education, communicative competence extends beyond grammatical rules and vocabulary; it represents the ability to communicate effectively in a specific language, encompassing both oral and written communication. This article focused on research aimed at developing a local theory that explained how communicative competence played a fundamental role in the learning process of solving linear and quadratic equations, especially in a flipped classroom context targeting eighth-grade students. The research adopted a qualitative approach and was based on grounded theory methodology. To gather meaningful data, three learning guides were utilized, containing a total of 23 problems for both exploration and deepening, along with semi-structured interviews. The data analysis process involved three phases of coding and analysis, employing the constant comparison method, ultimately leading to sampling and theoretical saturation. The collected data allows for the construction of a local theory that highlights the fundamental processes in learning linear and quadratic equations. One of the most significant findings of this research is the identification of a synergy between communicative competencies and the flipped classroom methodology, greatly enriching the understanding and learning of mathematical equations, both in their written and oral expression. This synergy is achieved through the interaction of various communicative competencies, including linguistic, discursive, sociolinguistic, and strategic competencies. These skills not only facilitate effective communication of ideas but also substantially contribute to achieving deeper and more effective learning in the context of mathematics.


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Artículo Originales

How to Cite

The Communicative Competence as an Enhancer of Mathematical Learning in a Flipped Classroom Environment. (2023). Mundo FESC Journal, 13(25), 164-178.