Artificial intelligence: challenges of work ethics in the technological society




artificial intelligence, technological regulation, labor transformation, ethics


Artificial intelligence (AI) has been the subject of multiple definitions and approaches since its conception at the Dartmouth College conference in 1956. AI models are divided into approaches based on similarity to human performance and one focused on rational decision making. The Turing test is central to the evaluation of AI, posing scenarios where humans interact with machines without distinguishing between them. These models address the ability of machines to perform tasks ranging from communication to complex problem solving, such as those encountered in business environments. However, the development of AI raises ethical and social challenges, especially in the business environment in a society that is anticipating technological impact. The problem lies in the fact that technological intervention has accelerated the transformation of human labor, and with it the disappearance or emergence of new jobs. The thesis of this paper is that a critical analysis of these challenges and a proposal for an ethical strategy for the integration of AI in the business environment is required. This is a reflective article that examines the concept of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the human condition; subsequently, the underlying dangers of modern technology will be exposed and finally, serenity [Gelassenheit] will be indicated as the mode of free relationship in the face of technology as a human manifestation.


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How to Cite

Artificial intelligence: challenges of work ethics in the technological society. (2022). Mundo FESC Journal, 12(S3), 266-280.