Evaluation of AgroSENA training processes aimed at agricultural extension workers in Norte de Santander
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Agricultural extension is the basis of the support processes for the country's agricultural producers, and for this reason, those who provide this service must be trained in the training programs defined by the National Learning Service through the National Training and Training Subsystem, in compliance with Law 1876 of the National System of Agricultural Innovation. Based on this, the purpose of the research was to evaluate the impact of the three courses taught through the AgroSENA Strategy to 100 extension workers from 23 municipalities in Norte de Santander, Colombia. The project was developed under the pre-experimental research model, in which a stimulus is administered to a group and then a measurement is applied, which allows observing its effect on one or more variables, under directed intentional non-probabilistic sampling. To assess the relevance of the training, the response scores obtained at two moments were compared: one before the stimulus and the other after it. The statistical test used was the t-student through the SPSS version 25 software. The results showed significant differences with a (p-value <5%) in relation to the averages of the scores obtained in the initial test vs. the final test, for each of the three courses, the latter with higher scores, indicating that the training processes had an effect on the appropriation of knowledge by extension apprentices.
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