Geometric problem solving mediated by Minecraft Education Edition in fifth grade elementary school children with ADHD


  • Randy Zabaleta Mesino Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Osvaldo Rojas Velásquez Universidad de los Llanos, Villavicencio, Colombia
  • Beatriz Avelina Villarraga Baquero Universidad de los Llanos



ADHD, TRU framework, problem solving, TDR inclusive model, metric and spatial thinking, Minecraft Education Edition


This paper describes an activity that includes three problems of geometric notions, evaluates the phases of problem solving considered in Schoenfeld's TRU framework and the mathematical performance of students for each proposed problem, taking into account the basic learning rights (DBA 5) and (DBA 7) for fifth grade in the Colombian Reference Framework. It was applied to neurotypical students with ADHD diagnosis from the Mauricio Nelson Visbal educational institution in grades 5-02, in a classroom setting, with the guidance of the teacher, analyzing problem solving in metric and spatial thinking; also participating in the activity are two students with ADHD in the same grade from the educational institution Docente de Turbaco, who carry it out with the mediation of Microsoft's Minecraft Education platform, both institutions are located in the north of the department from Bolivar. The research is qualitative with a participatory action design. It was achieved that students who developed the activity with the use of the gamified resource Minecraft Education Edition and with the methodological considerations and strategies of the TDR inclusive model stood out in mathematical performance and also in the mastery of the phases of problem solving compared to those students who did not use the technological resource.


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How to Cite

Geometric problem solving mediated by Minecraft Education Edition in fifth grade elementary school children with ADHD. (2024). Mundo FESC Journal, 14(28), 31-48.