Environmental Perception of Two Communities Surrounding a Landfill and a Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Neiva, Huila.





Hazardous Waste Incinerator Neiva, Huila, Environmental Perception, Landfills, Environmental Responsibility and Environmental Vision


With the aim of identifying the environmental perception of the community of the Vereda La Jagua and the Caimán sector of Neiva that are in the vicinity of the landfill and a hazardous waste incinerator; It is proposed to investigate the relationships between environmental vision variables and environmental problems and environmental responsibility. For this, the survey was used as an analysis and infor6mation gathering tool, with open and Likert-like questions. With a significant sample allowing the participation of most families in the area. As a result, a significant correlation was evidenced between both variables, environmental vision and environmental problems and environmental responsibility, as well as evidencing the complement of the two. In addition, it was found that environmental perception is directly related to the approach to the environmental reality and context that each person has, if interpretation and action depend on the experiences acquired.


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How to Cite

Environmental Perception of Two Communities Surrounding a Landfill and a Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Neiva, Huila. (2023). Mundo FESC Journal, 13(26), 114-130. https://doi.org/10.61799/2216-0388.1520