Implementation of a drying alternative in the compressed medical air manufacturing process in Norte de Santander.


  • Cristian David Cardona Mora Universidad de Pamplona, Norte De Santander, Colombia.
  • Álvaro Eulalio Villamizar Villamizar Universidad de Pamplona, Norte De Santander, Colombia.



Air compressor, Drying filter, Medical air, Refrigeration drying.


A determining factor in the production of compressed
medical air is the evaluation of its chemical and
organoleptic components (oil content, H2O, CO, CO2
SO2, NO-NO2, O2, odor), in order to comply with the
required standard. The compressed air must enter in
its final stage through a series of filters whose function
is to obstruct, mitigate and eliminate impurities
according to the requirements of the process. This
research contemplated the possibility of reducing
costs in the manufacturing process with the addition
of a drying process, whose purpose was to increase
the effectiveness of the drying and purification
filters, which are affecting the productivity of the
compressed medical air by saturating very quickly.
The project was carried out in three phases, the first
was the study of the technical alternatives in the drying
process for the manufacture of compressed medical
air, the second, led to the implementation of the best
alternative along with the validation of the addition
of the drying system, through the application of the
protocols of qualification and validation of processes
along with its revalidation, the last phase corresponded
to the evaluation of the project through indicators.
A higher performance in these filters avoided the
constant depressurization of the production line,
the repetitive changes of filters, the abundant
waste of the same and generating an impact
on the production of compressed medical air.
The realization of this project benefited the
productive sector and contributed positively to the
hospital sector with the adequate provision of the
medicine, essential for the fight against oxygen
therapy diseases and is the only one produced in the
department with a valid INVIMA sanitary registration.


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How to Cite

Implementation of a drying alternative in the compressed medical air manufacturing process in Norte de Santander. (2024). Mundo FESC Journal, 14(29), 24-36.