Analysis of the ideological charge in the journalistic coverage of the “venezuela aid live” concert, through a case study.
Content analysis, Journalistic coverage, Political ideology, Mass mediaAbstract
This research is the result of the Master's degree
work in Communication, Culture and Border of the
University of Pamplona entitled: “Analysis of media
and its ideological load in the journalistic coverage
of the Venezuela Aid Live concert in the ColombianVenezuelan border. A case study”; which analyzes the
media coverage of the humanitarian event ‘Venezuela
Aid Live’ that took place on February 22, 2019 in
the sector of Puente Tienditas in the ColombianVenezuelan border, which was positioned in history as
the second massive event that placed Cúcuta in the
international media agenda, after the concert ‘Peace
Without Borders’ in 2008. The general purpose seeks
to analyze the journalistic coverage of the concert in
question, contributing to the critical analysis of the role
of the media and its ideological load in the journalistic
contents. To identify the journalistic coverage before,
during and after, in the political field and to generate a
critical discussion on the importance of the informative
agendas from the different approaches related to the
journalistic texts; complement the specific objectives
of the research.The Theory of Argumentation, the
Analysis of Ideological Discourse, the Model of Social
Uses of Mass Communication, the Socioeconomic
Approach to Public Opinion and the Study of the
Historical Development of the Public Sphere are the
theories that support the research oriented towards
the analysis of journalistic content in the coverage of
Venezuela Aid Live.The methodological approach is
qualitative phenomenological, the level of the research
is descriptive, exploratory and case study because it
seeks to specify the properties, characteristics and
profiles of the journalistic works carried out, collecting
information independently on the variables referred
to. The main result of the content analysis of the news
coverage established that the objective of the mass
media in the first instance was to inform, then to educate
and, finally, to entertain. Entertainment was marked
all the time from the political sphere (ideologies) with
a media approach loaded with subjectivities (purely
emotional) where what Mario Vargas Llosa calls
“Civilization of the spectacle” becomes visible as it is a
popular event, which journalism itself helped to forge,
the cult of celebrities.
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